
Php Class to build database with txt files.

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Php TxtDb Class

I have written this class for simple usage for txt files as database. This is a simple way to store datas in txt files. If you dont want to use Mysql, Mssql, SQLite etc. use this class.

Logic is simple; Your directory = Your Database, Your files = Your Tables, File contents = Table Rows



$db = new TxtDb();

thats it. Or;

$db = new TxtDb('name' => 'TABLE-NAME',
  'path'      => 'db/',
  'extension' => '.txtdb',
  'encrypt'   => FALSE);

Encryption is used to encrypt file names.

Inserting Data

This method gets two parameters. First is "table name", second is our data in array.

array("name" => "John Doe",
      "email" => "")


This method gets three parameters. First is "table name", second is our data in array and third is "where situation"

array("name" => "Jen Doe",
      "email" => ",1);



Important : If you dont set second param, this method deletes all contents in file!


This method returns array object.

 $students =  $db->select('students');

 foreach($students as $student){
    echo $student->name;

Select One Row

This method list one row by second param

$user = $db->select('students',1);

echo $user->name;
John Doe

Select with where situation

With this method you can select data with where situation, second param should be array

$teachers =$db->select('teachers',array('name' =>'Test-1'));
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
  echo 'Name : '.$teacher->Name.'
'; echo 'Surname : '.$teacher->Surname.'
'; echo 'Email : '.$teacher->Email.'
'; }

Easy? huh.

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